Japanese & Korean study lesson 2 “What is your name?”

Japanese & Korean study lesson 2 “What is your name?”

Greeting from Japan!

How’s it going everybody?

Still we are facing a difficult moment right now, but we coorporate and what we need to do now, we can get over this situation!

Stay safe my friends!

Today, I will teach you how to introduce yourself and some questions in Japanese and Korean.

After finishing this lesson, you will be able to use,

– Asking a name
– Saying your name
– Asking where they are from
– Where you are from.

Are you ready?
Let’s get started!

Japanese and Korean lesson 2

おなまえはなんですか? / 이름이뭐예요?

Initially, I will tell you how to ask “name”.


이름이뭐예요? (I-lum-i-mwo-ye-yo?)

It is just as same as “What is your name?”

So remember it and you can use when you meet someone who you don’t know.

わたしは○○です / 저는 ○○ 입니다

Next, after or before asking name, you would say your name as well.

わたしは○○です。 (wa-ta-shi-wa-○○-de-su)

저는 ○○ 입니다. (jeo-nun ○○ ip-ni-da)

○○=put your name

This is completely translated from “I am ○○.”

Let’s break them down below,

わたし(watashi) / 저(jeo): I
は(wa) / 는(nun): Japanese/Korean particle
です(desu) / 입니다(ipnida): am

You can also say,

わたしのなまえは○○です。 (wa-ta-shi-no-na-ma-e-wa-○○-de-su)

제 이름은 ○○ 입니다. (je-i-lumun-○○-ip-ni-da)

Those are same as “My name is ○○.”

Let’s break them down below,

わたしの(watashino) / 제(je): My
なまえ(namae) / 이름(ilum): name
は(wa) / 은(un): Japanese/Korean particle
です(desu) / 입니다(ipnida): is

Now, you can ask name and you can tell your name too!

But, you want to expand the conversation a bit more?
Then, let’s learn a bit more in this lesson!

どちら(どこ)からきましたか? / 어디에서 왔어요?

We can ask “where are you from?” in a variety of ways, but this time, I will tell you the most common phrases to ask where they are from.

Let’s see them below,

どこからきましたか? (Do- ko-ka-la-ki-ma-shi-ta-ka?)

어디에서 왔어요? (eo-di-e-so-wassoyo?)

They mean “Where did you come from?”.

Let’s break it down.

どちら(どこ)(doko) / 어디(eodi): Where
から(kala) / 에서(eso): from
きました(kimashitaka) / 왔어요(wassoyo): came

“きました” is “came”, and I put “か” end of the sentence and it is put for asking a question.
“きました” is past tense.
Present simple is “くる”(kulu).

오다 dictionary form / 와요 present simple / 왔어요 past tense

I will explain in a future article, so this time please remember the sentence I wrote.

○○からきました / ○○에서 왔어요

Lastly, I will teach you how to say “I came from ○○”

Let’s look at below,

○○からきました。 (○○-ka-la-ki-ma-shi-ta)

○○에서 왔어요. (○○-e-so-wassoyo)

Let’s break them down.

から(kala) / 에서(eso): from
きました(kimashita) / 왔어요(wassoyo): came

Now, you can make first conversation when you meet Japanese or Korean people at the first time.

Let’s make sentences for practice with filling in ○○.
Also look at my first lesson.

Example sentences

B「わたしはかんこく(South Korea)からきました。」
B「안녕하세요? 제 이름은 ○○ 입니다.만나서반가워요.」
A「(저는)○○ 입니다. 만나서반가워요」
B「어디에서 왔어요?」
A「일본(Japan)에서 왔어요. ○○씨는 어디에서 왔어요?」
B「저는 한국(South Korea)에서 왔어요.」



How was your second class of Japanese and Korean study lesson here?

Today you learned

– おなまえはなんですか? / 이름이뭐예요?
– わたしは○○です / 저는 ○○ 입니다
– どちら(どこ)からきましたか? / 어디에서 왔어요?
– ○○からきました / ○○에서 왔어요

It is very interesting to communicate with people in their own languages.
Even if you are not really good at the languages, if you try to speak, they will be happy and more welcome you for sure.

Now I hope you remember what I wrote here today and hope you use it soon on apps or whatever!

More lessons are coming in the future so please subscribe this blog and comment below 🙂

See you in the next lesson my friends!

おつかれ! and 안녕~!!