Japanese & Korean study lesson 4 “5W1H & do”

Japanese & Korean study lesson 4 “5W1H & do”



여러분 안녕하세요?

오늘도 열심히공부합시다!

Hello my friends!

Let’s start today’s lesson!

It is Lesson 4 “5W1H & do”, so you can learn here;

・How to make the sentences
“When~/Where~/Who~/What/~Why~/How~ do you do?”

・Verb “do”

It is very important to remember the basic sentences of questioning, and you can make use of those for more.

Let’s get started!

“5W1H & do” in Japanese & Korean

When do you do?

First of all, I teach you how to say “When do you do?” in Japanese and Korean.

Let’s see those below,

いつしますか? (Itsu-shimasu-ka?)

언제해요? (Onje-heyo?)

Let’s break them down:

いつ(Itsu) / 언제(Onje): When
します(shimasu) / 해요(heyo): do
*か(ka): Japanese questionning word before “?”

In Japanese and Korean, the word orders are pretty similar.
When you make a question sentence like “When do you do?”,
you put “When” first, and after that you just put “verb”.

In Japanese, “When” is “いつ(Itsu)” and you just put ”します” which means “do”.
However, when you make a question sentence, you might as well put “か?” in the end of sentence.
This is a bit different from Korean, but once you remember, you just put “か?” to make a question.

Let’s sum up,



Now, you know “When~?”.

Let’s move on to “Where~?”.

Where do you do?

Do you remember how to make “When~?” sentence?

It is pretty much same sentence stracture every lesson today.
So should be easier to remember little by little as you approach the end of today’s lesson.

Anyways, let’s see how “Where do you do?” stractured in Japanese and Korean.

どこでしますか? (Dokode-shimasu-ka?)

어디에서해요? (Odieso-heyo?)

Let’s break them down a bit more,

どこで(Dokode) / (어디에서): Where
します(shimasu) / 해요(heyo): do
*か(ka): Japanese questionning word before “?”

You just change “When” to “Where” and “do” after that.
So, you can just change depending on what you want to know.

Check all basic question sentences below.

When do you do?: いつしますか?(Itsu-shimasuka?)
Where do you do?: どこ(で)しますか?(Doko-(de)-shimasuka?)
What do you do?: なに(を)しますか?(Nani-(o)-shimasuka?)
Why do you do?: なぜしますか?(Naze-shimasuka?)
How do you do?: どのようにしますか?(Donoyou-(ni)-shimasuka?)
*() is Japanese article and preposition

When do you do?: 언제해요? (Onje-heyo?)
Where do you do?: 어디에서해요? (Odi-(eso)-heyo?)
What do you do?: 뭐를해요?(mwo-(lul)-heyo?)
Why do you do?: 왜해요?(uye-heyo?)
How do you do?: 어떻게해요?(oddeoge-heyo?)
*() is Korean article and preposition

Where is “Who~?” sentence?

I thought it is more common to say “Who did it?” and not “Who does it?”(In my experience.)

Therefore, I will teach you past tense of ‘します / 해요’ by telling you how to make “Who did it”.

~しましたか? / ~했어요?

You might ask more about past?

Then you change just “do” to “did”, right?

Same Japanese and Korean.

Let’s see,

だれがしましたか? (Dale-ga-shimashita-ka?)

누구가했어요? (Nugu-ga-hessoyo?)

Let’s break them down a bit more,

だれ(Dale) / 누구(nugu): Who
が(ga) / 가(ga): Particle
しました(shimashita) / 했어요(hessoyo): did
*か(ka): Japanese questionning word before “?”

Let’s see others to make questions with past tense.

When did you do?: いつしましたか?(Itsu-shimashitaka?)
Where did you do?: どこ(で)しましたか?(Doko-(de)-shimashitaka?)
What did you do?: なに(を)しましたか?(Nani-(o)-shimashitaka?)
Why did you do?: なぜしましたか?(Naze-shimashitaka?)
How did you do?: どのようにしましたか?(Donoyou-(ni)-shimashitaka?)
*() is Japanese article and preposition

When did you do?: 언제했어요? (Onje-hessoyo?)
Where did you do?: 어디에서했어요? (Odi-(eso)-hessoyo?)
What did you do?: 뭐를했어요?(mwo-(lul)-hessoyo?)
Why did you do?: 왜했어요?(uye-hessoyo?)
How did you do?: 어떻게했어요?(oddeoge-hessoyo?)
*() is Korean article and preposition

When you want to add “O”, (Exp, “When did you do O?” / “Where did you do O?”) you can put “O” before “しましたか / 했어요”.

Let’s take an example;

When did you do that?: いつそれをしましたか?

When did you do that?: 언제 그거 했어요?

Lastly, let’s learn how to change “do” verb.

Do=する/하다 (dictionary form)
Do=します/해요 (present simple)
Did=しました/했어요 (past simple)
Did=した/했어 (past simple-informal)

You can use present simple tense as future tense too.



How was today’s lesson about “5W1H & do”?

As I mentioned in the sentence above,
you can use what you learnt today for asking some basic questions, and it can be expand for further question sentences later on.

If you have already known some words, verbs, please use those to make more questions and comment below!

I hope you learnt some new knowledges here today 🙂

See you in the next lesson!

おつかれ & 안녕~!!
